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Upcoming Events and Activities in Knight’s Crossing

Recently Barenau (Berlin and area) had a brewing night! Maybe if we're lucky we'll get to sample their project at a future event? 👀 There's lots of activities coming up in the next couple of months! Will we see you? 📅 Oct. 6: Picnick & Kampftraining in Turmstadt...

Bring Out Your Dead Payment Deadline

Bring Out Your Dead Payment Deadline

***Deutsch Unten***September is almost over and Bring Out Your Dead is creeping up on us! If you haven't sent in your event fees yet, this is your reminder to do so! Event fees are due on October 13. Find all the details on the website:...

Bring Out Your Dead

Bring Out Your Dead

**Deutsch Unten** Looking for something a little different to do at Bring Out Your Dead? You can join Nadiana on a nature walk around the site and learn about some of the local plants and folklore related to them! This walk will not be spooky, so it is a family...

Worte unserer Baronessen

Worte unserer Baronessen

***English Below***Worte unserer Baronessen:Der Herbst nahet, und die Tage werden kühler. Doch zum Glück erfreuen wir uns auch an manch' feinem Indoor-Gesinde, das uns warm durch die kalten Monate führet! Wir gedenken mit Freude der herrlichen Sommerzeltsaison, die...

Heavy Combat at Bring Out Your Dead

Heavy Combat at Bring Out Your Dead

***Deutsch Unten***It's not just the Fencers that will get an opportunity to fight at Bring Out Your Dead! There are some creepy themed Heavy Combat plans afoot! Better pack your armour and plenty of weapons, you never know who or *what* you might need to defend...