This past weekend was Bootcamp! Much fun was had, much stick was swung, much steel was swished! Our Baronesses also recognized a couple individuals for their contributions to our Barony! Congratulations to Fina Winkelmann von Söhren, awarded the Order of the Wheel and to Jan van Nyenrode, awarded the Order of the Silver Gauntlet! Vivat!
Upcoming Activities:
March 24: Two Seas Kunst & Handwork Treffpunkt/Arts & Sciences Gathering (Hamburg and area)
March 24: Nähtag/Sewing Day in Turmstadt (Nürnberg and area)
April 7: Two Seas Kunst & Handwork Treffpunkt/Arts & Sciences Gathering (Hamburg and area)
April 12-14: Arts in April hosted by Turmstadt
May 3-12: Double Wars in Nordmark (Sweden)
May 5: Two Seas Kunst & Handwork Treffpunkt/Arts & Sciences Gathering (Hamburg and area)
June 9: Two Seas Kunst & Handwork Treffpunkt/Arts & Sciences Gathering (Hamburg and area)
⚠️These announcements are sent out by the Social Media Officer, Eira Halladottir (Terri Bauer). If you need anything added to the announcement, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
#KnightsCrossing #MySCA #Drachenwald #SCA