Arts in April has come to an end – thank you to all instructors and students, for making it a great event! Court was short and sweet but Their Excellencies awarded the Order of the Wheel to Eira Halladottir!
Now that we’ve all gotten our fix of arts for the spring, it’s time to turn our attention to war! Not only is Double Wars on the horizon, but Red and Gold will be here before you know it, expect more information on that soon. Upcoming scheduled activities are as follows, please note the date for the May A&S Day in Two Seas has changed!
May 3-12: Double Wars in Nordmark (Sweden)
May 11: Two Seas Kunst & Handwork Treffpunkt/Arts & Sciences Gathering (Hamburg and area)
June 9: Two Seas Kunst & Handwork Treffpunkt/Arts & Sciences Gathering (Hamburg and area)
July 7: Two Seas Kunst & Handwork Treffpunkt/Arts & Sciences Gathering (Hamburg and area)
July 24-28: Red & Gold
More information and registration coming soon!
⚠️These announcements are sent out by the Social Media Officer, Eira Halladottir (Terri Bauer). If you need anything added to the announcement, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
#KnightsCrossing #MySCA #Drachenwald #SCA